In a light-hearted yet important cautionary tale, an Indian man has shared his encounter with a scam call originating from Pakistan, which he expertly outsmarted with quick wit. Shiv Arora, the protagonist of the incident, took to Instagram to narrate the bizarre episode, shedding light on the fraudulent tactics often used by scammers. His humor not only defused the situation but also served as a warning to others.
The incident began with a WhatsApp call from a Pakistani number, displaying a picture of a police officer. The caller claimed that a loved one of Arora’s had been arrested and demanded money for their release. In an attempt to sound authoritative, the scammer asked Arora to reveal the name of his son to facilitate a phone call. “Aapke bete ka naam bataiye, main aapki usse baat kara deta hu” (Tell me your son’s name, and I will let you speak to him), the scammer said.
Sensing a potential scam, Arora decided to play along. He humorously told the caller that his “son’s” name was Shiv—ironically his own name—and that the boy was in Moradabad. When the scammer inquired about his relationship with the boy, Arora responded with a cheeky “Nani” (maternal grandmother), escalating the absurdity of the situation.
As the conversation continued, the scammer insisted on speaking with the boy’s mother. Arora then brought in a woman to play the role of the mother, explaining that the “police” had arrested Shiv. The situation took a comedic turn when the scammer, trying to maintain the ruse, introduced a man pretending to be the “arrested” son. The man dramatically began wailing, shouting “Mumma, mumma” in an exaggerated tone. The performance was so over-the-top that it caused Arora to laugh uncontrollably, prompting the scammer to abruptly hang up.
Arora shared a video of this humorous exchange on Instagram, attaching a serious warning for his followers. In the post, he highlighted the fraudulent nature of such calls, particularly targeting vulnerable individuals such as the elderly. “I received a call today from a Pakistani number, with a police officer’s display picture. This is a SCAM targeting vulnerable individuals, especially the elderly. Please stay alert and warn your family and friends,” he wrote. Arora also reminded his followers to avoid sharing personal information or transferring money to unknown callers.
The video quickly went viral, sparking a range of reactions online. Many users found humor in Arora’s handling of the situation, while others acknowledged the seriousness of the warning. One comment read, “This is hilarious, but also terrifying!” while another remarked, “Scammers are getting creative these days.” Several viewers applauded Arora for his humorous approach to exposing the scam while also spreading awareness.
This encounter serves as a reminder of the increasingly sophisticated nature of scam calls and the importance of remaining vigilant, especially when dealing with unfamiliar or suspicious contacts.
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