In the first quarter of the current fiscal year, tea exports from the Mechi Customs Office saw a significant increase, rising by 36% year-over-year. A total of 6,426 metric tonnes of tea was exported during this period.
Ganapati Kandel, Information Officer at Mechi Customs Office, reported that the export value of tea exceeded Rs 1.71 billion, marking a more than 50% increase compared to the same timeframe last year. Aditya Parajuli, Chairperson of the Nepal Tea Producers Association, attributed the rise in Nepali tea exports to a decline in production in India.
Parajuli expressed optimism that exports could further increase if the government implements additional facilitation efforts. Conversely, the export of cardamom declined by 49% in the first three months of the current fiscal year. The Mechi Customs Office recorded 783 metric tonnes of cardamom exported, down from 1,525 metric tonnes during the same period last year.
The office noted impressive growth in the exports of plywood, broom grass, and veneer sheets in the first quarter, while exports of ginger, Chhuri, iron, and various vegetables saw a decrease.
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