Efforts by the United States to restrict China’s chip ambitions are facing challenges as China employs various strategies to bypass these controls, according to industry experts and insiders. Despite imposing significant costs on Chinese firms, these export controls have their limitations, exemplified by Huawei’s recent breakthrough in 5G technology.
Jason Kao, a business professor and customs clearance specialist, highlights the difficulties in entirely preventing a country from obtaining chips and tech equipment. He notes the need for extensive compliance teams and training customs staff to navigate semiconductor technology. He also emphasizes the importance of global allies supporting these efforts.
One method used by China to evade export controls involves the creative use of shell companies, third-party partners, and offshore entities. These tactics make it challenging to enforce restrictions effectively.
Huawei’s release of the 5G-capable Mate 60 Pro, made with its own chips, demonstrated China’s adaptability in circumventing the U.S. crackdown. However, the U.S. has announced new export rules to further limit China’s access to advanced chip tools and AI chips.
While the clampdown on Huawei has had some success, it has continued to thrive in other areas. It remains China’s top networking equipment maker and has generated substantial revenue.
Export controls in Japan and the Netherlands were introduced relatively late, allowing China to stock up on critical equipment before restrictions took effect. Gregory Allen, director of the Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies, emphasizes the need for multilateral cooperation to enhance the effectiveness of export controls.
Another challenge arises from tracking consumable precision parts used in chipmaking systems, which are sold by different distributors and are harder to monitor.
The U.S. has also faced criticism for granting exemptions to various equipment companies, potentially allowing advanced technology to reach China.
Overall, experts believe that export controls can be effective in slowing down China’s technological advancements but may not completely halt them. China’s ability to adapt and employ creative strategies underscores the complexity of controlling sensitive technology in a globalized world.
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