Policybazaar for Business (PBFB), the corporate division of one of India’s largest insurance marketplaces, has introduced a new platform called Enroute aimed at simplifying marine and transit insurance processes. The platform is designed to streamline the issuance of insurance certificates and declarations, which were traditionally time-consuming tasks.
The Enroute platform allows businesses involved in domestic and international trade to handle their insurance requirements more efficiently. Companies are required to submit monthly declarations for domestic policies and provide specific transit insurance certificates for import and export shipments under annual marine and transit policies. The new platform simplifies these procedures, reducing administrative workload and enhancing accuracy while ensuring smoother compliance.
The platform offers multiple ways for businesses to declare shipments and generate insurance certificates. Users can upload invoices, LR copies, or files, or use the interactive interface to complete these tasks. Additionally, the platform integrates Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, which automatically reads and extracts details from documents, saving users time and effort.
Enroute can also be integrated with existing invoice generation or supply chain management systems, eliminating the need for manual declarations and simplifying the overall process. This development aims to improve efficiency for businesses managing marine and transit insurance.
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#PolicybazaarForBusiness #MarineInsurance #TransitInsurance #DigitalInsurancePlatform #InsurTech