Aurizon, Australia’s leading rail freight company, has announced a partnership with global shipping provider ANL to enhance supply chain efficiency through a landbridging solution at the Port of Darwin. This collaboration is designed to strengthen multimodal supply chains across Australia, providing seamless shipping from Asia-Pacific ports to Darwin, followed by a direct rail connection to Adelaide and other southern Australian destinations.
Since November 2024, every ANL sailing into Darwin has included containers for landbridging to southern states. This initiative follows Aurizon’s 2022 acquisition of the 2,200-kilometre Tarcoola to Darwin railway, along with terminal and stevedoring assets at the Port of Darwin.
Gareth Long, Aurizon’s Group Executive for Containerised Freight, highlighted the company’s strategic move to offer an additional supply chain option to freight customers, complementing existing services on the rail corridor. The new solution leverages Aurizon’s existing infrastructure, including efficient track systems and double-stacked container freight trains, integrated with the company’s port and terminal facilities in Darwin.
The collaboration between Aurizon and ANL introduces a regular scheduled service with direct connections from several key Asia-Pacific ports, including Singapore, Shanghai, Shekou, Qingdao, Port Kelang, Laem Chabang, Mundra, Busan, and more. The service is expected to offer an average time-saving of up to ten days for freight arriving in Adelaide from these locations.
The partnership presents significant opportunities to enhance the efficiency of containerized freight movements between the Asia-Pacific region and Australia, with the potential for further volume growth.
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