The South Korean rental market is facing challenges due to an increase in fraudulent activities related to the traditional jeonse system. Jeonse, a unique rental agreement where tenants provide a large deposit instead of monthly rent, has been a popular choice for housing in South Korea. However, recent reports indicate a surge in jeonse scams, leading to significant financial losses and personal tragedies.
Victims of these scams have lost their deposits, often amounting to tens of thousands of dollars, to individuals posing as landlords without the authority to lease the properties. The impact of these scams extends beyond financial loss, affecting the personal lives of victims, many of whom are young adults in their 20s and 30s.
In response to the growing number of jeonse fraud cases, the South Korean government has implemented measures, including a special bill to assist victims with interest-free loans repayable over extended periods.
Despite these efforts, the issue persists, highlighting the need for increased vigilance and improved legal protections for tenants.
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