A new breakthrough in freight transport is happening in Germany with self-propelled freight wagons. Created by companies Nevomo and HBB, this innovation is set to change how goods are moved by train. The project, called the “Bremen Magnetic Shuttle,” aims to automate the transport of steel coils by enhancing 100 kilometers of railway tracks using new MagRail Booster technology.
These self-propelled wagons are equipped with a linear motor that is built into the track, allowing them to operate on their own without a traditional locomotive. This design enables the wagons to connect and disconnect automatically, which can lower costs and make logistics operations more efficient. Plus, the system is made to work with existing railway infrastructure, so there won’t be a need for expensive upgrades.
With a budget of €6 million supported by the German government, the project also focuses on being environmentally friendly by reducing emissions and energy usage. As part of the shift toward greener transport options, this system is expected to lower carbon footprints while improving the overall efficiency of transporting goods.
This project builds on Nevomo’s research into magnetic levitation and works alongside advancements in rail transport automation. Experts believe that these new technologies will play a significant role in changing the landscape of logistics in Europe, providing a sustainable alternative to traditional rail systems.
The collaboration between private companies and public support shows the growing interest in automated and eco-friendly transportation solutions, which could see wider use throughout Europe in the near future.
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