The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has issued a warning to the public concerning an increasing prevalence of cryptocurrency scams that are targeting individuals through platforms such as YouTube and messaging services, including WhatsApp and Telegram. Perpetrators of these scams establish counterfeit YouTube channels that offer purported trading advice, subsequently enticing victims to join private groups where they promise investment opportunities and rewards. These fraudsters then guide victims to deceptive platforms that are designed to appear credible, thereby encouraging further investments by fabricating evidence of profits.
The FMA has identified more than 40 suspicious trading websites and strongly advises investors to verify the legitimacy of platforms through the Financial Service Provider Register. It further recommends that individuals avoid unsolicited investment proposals and report any suspicious activities observed.
The FMA has also brought attention to the escalating risk of scams that are proliferating through messaging applications, with Telegram and WhatsApp identified as the most commonly utilized tools for financial deception. Additionally, fraudulent schemes leveraging counterfeit endorsements from local celebrities have exacerbated these scams, employing images of well-known figures and fabricated news narratives to establish trust.
The FMA urges any individual who suspects they may have fallen victim to such scams to report the matter without delay and to contact their banking institution in an attempt to reverse any unauthorized transactions.
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