Indian Railways has announced plans to manufacture 50 Amrit Bharat version 2.0 trains over the next two years, featuring upgraded passenger amenities. The trainsets will be produced at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai and the Rail Coach Factory in Kapurtala, Punjab.
The Amrit Bharat Express is a non-air-conditioned, low-cost sleeper and unreserved service designed to connect cities located more than 800 km apart or with travel durations exceeding ten hours using existing services. The first Amrit Bharat train was inaugurated last year.
The Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains will incorporate several improvements based on the experiences of the previous version and the Vande Bharat sleeper train. Notable updates include ergonomically designed seats, modular toilets, and new construction materials. These enhancements aim to provide affordable and comfortable travel for low-income and lower-middle-income families, offering services comparable to premium coaches in the general coach.
Additionally, the Pamban Bridge, connecting the mainland with Rameshwaram Island in Tamil Nadu, has been completed and is expected to be operational soon. The bridge has undergone extensive design and safety checks, and issues regarding its construction have been addressed, including corrosion concerns.
Indian Railways is also progressing with the installation of the Kavach safety system, with nearly 10,000 locomotives being equipped with the technology. The system is part of broader efforts to improve railway safety, including the installation of telecom towers and cameras on locomotives.
Regarding financial progress, Indian Railways has achieved significant utilization of its capital expenditure (capex), with 76% of the capex already deployed by early January. The improvements and ongoing projects are part of the government’s continued support for the railway network, which serves as a crucial transportation lifeline for citizens across India.
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